Providing Holistic Sustainability Solutions
We deliver comprehensive energy and water solutions that unlock the full potential for utility savings at your facility.
As a leader in energy engineering and construction, CEG helps building owners and managers identify, generate, and maintain energy and water savings from our ESPC projects in buildings and campuses. We analyze existing building systems, and design and implement turnkey solutions that increase energy and water efficiency. We guarantee performance and leverage creative project financing to deliver comprehensive projects that meet sustainability goals and efficiency mandates.
Why Now?
Buildings in the U.S. account for approximately 40% of total energy consumption, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). This underscores the need to modernize existing building stock and to improve construction techniques to make both commercial and residential buildings more energy efficient.
A Whole Building Approach
Rather than simply picking “low-hanging fruit” measures, CEG takes a holistic approach that considers the interactive effects among building systems. We also leverage energy savings generated from quick payback measures to provide more comprehensive solutions. For example, we use upgrades such as lighting replacements to help fund more ambitious measures like control system upgrades, on-site renewable energy, and other retrofits typically overlooked because of their longer payback periods.
Our energy efficiency audits identify a host of solutions for your facility along with projected energy and cost savings. We will then structure a project implementation schedule to minimize disruption. After project completion, we are equipped to provide ongoing maintenance for the system upgrades.
Our Services
Detailed energy and water efficiency audits
Identification, design, and implementation of energy efficiency measures
Identification of available incentives
Complete project financing
Measurement and verification
Operations and maintenance
ECM Examples
Lighting upgrades
HVAC improvements
Water conservation
Utility rate negotiations
Electric motors and drives
Data center upgrades and consolidations
Solar photovoltaic systems
Water and steam distribution system improvements
Electrical peak shaving/load shifting
Energy management control systems
Building envelope modifications
Boiler and chiller improvements