Hubbard Place Apartments

The ECMs at Hubbard Place resulted in annual savings of over 5 million gallons of water, 15,500 therms of natural gas, and 56,000 kWh of electricity.

Estimated Annual Savings: $85K and 1,730 MBtu

Project Highlights:

  • 5,000,000 gallons of water saved each year

  • 56,000 kWh saved each year

  • 15,500 therms saved each year

Energy Conservation Measures:

  • Low-Flow Water Fixtures

  • Lighting Retrofits and Controls

  • Boiler Replacement

  • Parking Lot Lighting

  • Laundry Equipment Upgrades


To reduce the annual water, electricity and gas consumption of the facility while improving resident satisfaction, lowering maintenance costs, and increasing the level of resident security.


Because Hubbard Place is on the National Register of Historic Places, we had to ensure that exterior lighting retrofits did not change the aesthetics of the façade. With that in mind, we carefully selected LED kits that could fit inside the existing fixtures to keep the exterior appearance unchanged. The result was a light profile that not only saves approximately 53,000 kWh of electricity annually, but also a better light rendering for the security cameras to produce clearer images. Electricity bills were further reduced with the replacement of lamps and ballasts in the service areas, as well as a lower demand resulting from the installation of occupancy controls and timers in all common rooms.


The ECMs at Hubbard Place resulted in annual savings of over 5 million gallons of water, 15,500 therms of natural gas, and 56,000 kWh of electricity. The expected annual energy savings yield the equivalent environmental impact of; (1) planting nearly 3,000 trees; (2) avoiding the consumption of nearly 13,000 gallons of gasoline, and (3) filling up 7.5 Olympic sized swimming pools with the annual water savings. CEG’s energy and water measures are expected to result in over $80,000 in savings for Hubbard’s utility bills, with a portion of the savings going to their Resident Services Programs, which directly support the needs of building residents.


Columbia Heights Village Apartments