Columbia Heights Village Apartments

Verified Annual Savings: $228,000 and 1,017 MBTU


  • 2011 Communitas Award

Project Highlights

  • Community Engagement Initiatives

  • 25MWh Rooftop Solar

  • 98,932 kWh savings each year

Energy Conservation Measures

  • Lighting Retrofits

  • Low-Flow Water Fixtures

  • Solar PV

  • Rate Analysis/Tariff Change


Project Basics: CEG Solutions implemented a comprehensive utility savings package for Columbia Heights Village Apartments – a 406-unit, 31-building affordable apartment complex located in Washington, D.C.

Connecting with the Community: To connect with the community during the project, we facilitated multiple community-wide events. Prior to construction, we hosted an open house so that apartment residents and students’ families could preview the planned energy upgrades to their homes and community. Upon construction completion, we hosted an “Energy Awareness Day” at which we provided lunch, invited key stakeholders to give short remarks, gave away light bulbs, presented energy savings best practices, and guided residents on a tour of the new rooftop solar PV system. Our engagement efforts provided a space for educational opportunities and community-building events for residents.

In addition to educating residents on our energy management practices, we used community events to learn about residents’ experiences in the building and identify additional areas of need for incorporation into the project. In addition to direct energy savings efforts, we worked closely with the Columbia Heights community to develop and implement community enhancement measures. We installed a high-speed energy-efficient elevator and expanded its service to allow for rooftop access. On the roof, we designed and implemented an accessible green roof and rooftop playground.

Results: We installed energy-efficient lighting in the common areas and exterior areas of the building, and upgraded water fixtures in each of the residential units with high-efficiency toilets, showerheads, and faucet aerators. In total, the utility conservation measures at Columbia Heights Village reduced water consumption by approximately 24 million gallons and electricity consumption by 100,000 kWh per year. During the first year of implementation, water savings measures cut consumption at the facility by 60% compared to the previous year.