California Correctional Institution (CCI)

Estimated Annual Savings: $1MM and 6,344,833 kWh

Project Highlights

  • Reduce annual electricity usage by over 6.3 MM kWh

  • Reduce annual natural gas usage by over 71k therms

  • Reduce the average energy use intensity (EUI) of the site by 25%

  • Utility incentives of $485k

Energy Conservation Measures

  • Boiler improvements

  • AHU mechanical and controls upgrades

  • Industrial controls and wastewater treatment plant upgrades

  • LED lighting upgrades


In 2020, CEG completed development of a $11MM energy savings project at the 1,650-acre CCI campus in Tehachapi, California. CCI encompasses over 1.25MM square feet and houses classroom, administrative, dining, kitchen, housing, gym, and wastewater treatment facilities. Our energy conservation measures include boiler improvements, blowdown heat recovery, AHU control improvements, lighting upgrades, industrial controls, battery energy storage. These ECMs will enhance site security, upgrade and automate critical infrastructure, improve occupant comfort, and address operational pain points.

Project Scope

As part of the industrial controls ECM, we are completing the following upgrades to improve the wastewater treatment processes: (1) retrofit the UV treatment system with new UV lamps and ballasts, (2) install new VFDs and controls on aeration blowers, and (3) program aeration blowers to modulate to maintain dissolved oxygen setpoints. During development, CEG installed a cloud-based SCADA monitoring system (XiO) which collects and trends blower power draw and dissolved oxygen (DO) levels. CEG is using this system to control the blowers based on DO and to give CCI operators remote access to monitor pump runtimes and DO levels. Additionally, we are programming the existing water pump SCADA system to keep both well pumps off during the designated utility peak summer period and during high-use electricity periods in winter to reduce utility kW demand charges. These upgrades will (1) improve CCI’s visibility into equipment performance, (2) improve equipment operation to match loads, and (3) reduce energy consumption and peak demand, leading to significant energy cost savings.

Along with these upgrades we are modifying operations of the hot water pumps and boiler plants; installing VFDs, local controls, and new motors on AHUs and controlling them to turn off during unoccupied periods; and retrofitting or replacing >13k interior and exterior lighting fixtures with LED equivalents.

Security Approach

CCI encompasses both Level III and IV facilities, and our audit and implementation personnel adhere to background check, tool security, and escort requirements. To limit site disruptions, we leveraged remote logging and advanced data analytics where possible, using the data to (1) develop ECMs remotely to reduce time needed on site, (2) better quantify baseline conditions and expected savings, and (3) identify ECMs that may otherwise have been overlooked.