
Mission-Critical Solutions for Mission-Critical Spaces

Featured Projects

  • CEG was awarded a design-build ESPC project at NASA JPL to construct several high-efficiency data centers supporting the Laboratory’s mission-critical space flight operations. Developing this project required us to work collaboratively with multiple client stakeholders (including the JPL Office of the Chief Information Officer) to identify their computing requirements, workshop a technical basis of design, and coordinate IT migration and consolidation activities of mission-critical data centers. Learn More.

  • CEG implemented a data center-focused project at the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) Headquarters office building. We upgraded, virtualized, and consolidated the existing IT inventory, replaced HVAC equipment, re-architected the cooling system to decouple the data center from the central plant, and redesigned the power infrastructure to increase resilience and redundancy. Despite the building being highly efficient prior to the project, our efforts helped to further reduce building energy consumption by 34%. Learn More.

Sustainability & Resilience Solutions

CEG specializes in delivering energy efficiency and resilience solutions for mission-critical facilities such as data centers, laboratories, research centers, and other high-security environments. We understand the unique challenges and stringent requirements of these facilities, including strict uptime, high security, cyber requirements, and specialized operational needs. Our approach is designed to address these complexities while enhancing energy performance and maintaining critical operations:

  1. Uptime and Reliability Focus: For mission-critical facilities, uninterrupted uptime is of utmost importance. We meticulously plan our projects to avoid disruptions to essential operations. We work closely with facility managers and staff to schedule implementation of energy savings measures during maintenance windows or low-usage periods, reducing potential impacts on critical systems and occupants.

  2. Customized Energy Efficiency Solutions: Each mission-critical facility has its own set of energy demands and operational requirements. We conduct detailed energy audits and collaborate closely with facility operators to understand their specific needs. Our in-house team then design customized energy efficiency solutions that reduce energy use without compromising the facility's performance or security.

  3. High Security and Cyber Requirements: Security and cyber requirements are integral to our approach when working with mission-critical facilities. We recognize the need to protect sensitive data, equipment, and research conducted within these environments. Our projects comply with stringent security protocols to ensure that energy savings measures do not compromise the facility's overall security.

  4. Robust Energy Monitoring and Controls: To enhance energy efficiency in mission-critical facilities, we often implement real-time energy monitoring and advanced controls. As part of this, we integrate smart building technologies and sophisticated energy management systems to monitor energy consumption and enable precise control over critical systems.

  5. Resilience Enhancement: Mission-critical facilities require robust resilience strategies to mitigate risks of downtime. We help enhance facility resilience by implementing backup power systems, energy storage solutions, and redundant cooling and IT infrastructure. These measures provide an added layer of protection against power outages and unexpected disruptions.

  6. Ongoing Support and Maintenance: Our commitment to mission-critical facilities extends beyond project implementation. We offer ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure that our implemented measures continue to perform over time. Regular monitoring and adjustments are made to meet evolving operational requirements and energy demands.

  7. Continual Improvement and Adaptation: The energy landscape for mission-critical facilities is constantly evolving. As part of our approach, we stay up-to-date with emerging technologies and best practices to continually improve and adapt our efficiency and resilience solutions to align with the facility's changing needs.

At CEG, we understand the importance of mission-critical facilities and the need for efficient, secure, and reliable operations. By tailoring our approach to these specialized environments, we help our clients achieve their efficiency and resilience goals while safeguarding their essential operations and research.

Contact CEG to learn how we can help you with your mission-critical facility